Thursday 31 July 2014

Team Meeting July 31st 2014

Wedding on Friday Aug 1st, ceremony on site.
Wedding on Saturday, Aug 2nd, off site ceremony.
Wedding on Sunday, Aug 3rd, ceremony on back lawn.

Cafe will be closed for lunch and dinner on Monday, August 4th civic holiday.

Wedding on Friday Aug 8th, ceremony on site.
Wedding on Saturday, Aug 9th, on site ceremony.
Bridal lunch shower on Saturday Aug 9th.
Wedding on Sunday, Aug 10th, day wedding, on site ceremony.

Hannah working with a local coffee supplier to produce our own "honey coffee"

Brenda on vacation next week, Sarah the following week.

New uniforms have been orderd for the kitchen.

Chef working on a lobster menu to implement after LondonLisicious.

Rooms for July ended 80 rooms more than last July.

Hotel sold out over this weekend.

Yearly fire inspection taking place next week.

Hannah and Julia working on new wording for catering contracts.

Will have a first quarter financial meeting towards the end of August.

We now have this year's honey, jars will be here next week.

We are working on handheld terminals for the Cafe with Five Star, should have them in 2 or 3 months.

We will be painting all of our hotel rooms and suites over the next 3 months as well as renovating 3 or 4 suites or rooms on the third floor.

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