Friday 4 July 2014

Team Meeting 19

Special Olympics event tomorrow night, starring our very own Chris Innes from the kitchen, this event is a send off reception for the special Olympic athletes heading to Vancouver next week.
Wedding this Friday, on site ceremony, bride and groom are both police officers !
Catered event for Tech Alliance at CVG on Friday, Launch Pad will be closing at 12pm for this event.
Wedding this Saturday, ceremony on site.
Tango group this Sunday night, pop in and learn to tango !
Wedding next Saturday, on site ceremony
Sarah managing room yield on Expedia and
Brenda has new room package for Fall, overnight stay, dinner and breakfast.
Next Biz after 5 is at Lone Star on July 17th, we have 4 tickets.
Month end time for accounting, all invoices and expenses to Teresa this week.
New email spam legislation is in effect from July 1st
Hotel breakfast on Sunday 6th and 13th will be in Grand Hall
Cafe will be doing Londonlicious this Summer as a Summer promo
Heather's wedding this past weekend went very well, lot's of great feedback.
Bases for outside pillars will be here shortly.
Hotel is sold out on Friday and Saturday this week.
Rooms pace around 20 of last July.
Christina doing invoicing and linen ordering this week.
Kristian back from CCUFSA competition, went very well for Western's culinary team.
First quarter of the fiscal year is over, will have a financial review meeting in August.
New Cafe menus going over really well, positive feedback so far.

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