Wednesday 9 April 2014

Weekly Team Meeting 9

Wedding this Saturday, 83 guests, ceremony on site at 1pm.
Diva Day this Sunday, having brunch menu, using Grand Hall, all meeting rooms and some hotel rooms. Numbers are around 70.
London Life coming in this Monday to go over set up for upcoming event.
Church community breakfast next Saturday.
Good Friday  - Cafe will be full for fish fry dinner.
Easter brunch at 203 so far, last year was 197.
Breakfast in the Cafe all weekend.
Brenda booked out first Christmas party for this year ! lead came from Teresa.
Brenda working with Janet and a photographer on getting some updated pictures from around Windermere.
Neil and Brenda doing the big bike run on June 19th with SKAL. Let Brenda know if you'd like to join us.
Jane from housekeeping's last day this Friday, Jane's having a baby boy in early May, little going away party for Jane in this Friday.
New Spring rooms package coming soon to replace Winter Wonderland package.
Up 138 rooms month to date over last year.
Julia from front desk is leaving us, Julia is heading to Muskoka to work for the Summer.
This month end is also our fiscal year end.
New gaskets required for walk in fridge doors, Will order this week.
Kitchen is now making and baking their own bread, well received so far.
Hannah is looking for servers for Cafe and banquets.
Cafe is at #8 Tripadvisor, Hotel is #13.

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